A World-Class PICU
I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t getting better... my sweet, extremely healthy and energetic thirteen month old son, Grant, was lethargic, cranky and running a low-grade fever. When our local hospital sent us home after diagnosing him with common Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), it only worsened overnight and our pediatrician sent us back to the local hospital the following day.
Grant became gravely ill.
After one and a half days, Grant was rushed via critical care transport to John Muir Health, Walnut Creek Medical Center’s Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), the first and only one of its kind in the Contra Costa County. I couldn’t breath and my world came to an absolute stand-still. John Muir Health physicians swiftly intubated Grant and he would remain in the very good hands of the physicians, nurses and staff at John Muir Health, my personal heroes, for almost one month. Grant received customized and compassionate care and they took care of me and my family, too!
Grant remained at John Muir Health for nearly one month.
Today, just over six months since his diagnosis, Grant has his voice back, learned to crawl again, and is now running all over the place! John Muir Health provided my son with the gift of life. I thank my lucky stars every day that we have a world-class PICU in our community with an assembly of the very, very best clinicians and staff. As the old Chinese Proverb goes, “In every crisis, there is an opportunity.” My gratitude for the extraordinary care we received at John Muir Health provided me the opportunity to give back to the health system that cared so compassionately for Grant and my entire family.
Thank You! Your continued support of John Muir Health gave my son the very best chance for a healthy life.This holiday season, I hope you will join me and my family in supporting the exceptional people and programs at John Muir Health that provide health, life and hope to our community.
Carrie Mitooka