Testing & Care for COVID-19
Updated May 18, 2022
Where can I get tested for COVID-19?
- You may test at home using an at-home test kit or at a local pharmacy or community testing site.
- If you’re testing because you have symptoms or were potentially exposed to the virus, follow the latest COVID-19 guidance from the CDC regarding isolating from others.
What do I do if I am waiting for results of a COVID-19 test OR I have tested positive for COVID-19 OR I have had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
Follow the latest COVID-19 guidance from the CDC and call your doctor if you have any questions.
When should I seek care for COVID-19?
- If you have mild or moderate symptoms, please call your primary care doctor. After hours or on weekends, please call one of our Urgent Care Centers.
- f you are experiencing severe symptoms, including breathing problems, go to the Emergency Department.
Will I be billed for COVID-19 care?
- Each health insurance plan has developed specific guidelines on how they will process and pay for your services for COVID-19 screening and treatment.
- It is best to contact your health insurance plan with the phone number listed on your insurance card for questions related to your coverage.
- See COVID-19 testing self-pay information.