Hemorrhoids are a common complaint and account for about 3.3 million visits annually to health care centers in the United States. Usually, any symptoms of the rectum such as pain, bleeding, itching, discomfort, lump or a mass are all grouped under the diagnosis of hemorrhoids. However, it is essential to diagnose symptomatic hemorrhoids from other diseases.
Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are a bothersome and often embarrassing problem. We offer many options to treat hemorrhoids, depending on the size of the hemorrhoids and the severity of symptoms. Nowadays, most of the hemorrhoids are commonly treated in the office during clinical evaluation.
- We offer a variety of painless hemorrhoid treatment methods
- What appears to be hemorrhoids could potentially be cancer
- If you have bleeding in the rectum, or suspect hemorrhoids, consult with your primary care physician or schedule a visit with a colorectal surgeon
- Video visits are available for added convenience
Dr. Piyush Aggarwal discusses common symptoms of hemorrhoids and the importance of treating them painlessly.
Non-surgical Treatments:
Non-surgical treatments cure most small and some large internal hemorrhoids. They work by cutting off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid, which makes the hemorrhoids shrink or go away.
Rubber band ligation involves tying off hemorrhoids with rubber bands. Coagulation therapy uses heat such as infrared coagulation, a laser or electrical current to create scar tissue and cut off the hemorrhoid’s blood supply. Sclerotherapy involves injecting a chemical into the enlarged hemorrhoid.
Stapled hemorrhoidectomy (also known as PPH or stapled hemorrhoidpexy) treats bleeding or prolapsed internal hemorrhoids. Studies have shown that those who undergo the procedure often have less pain and shorter recovery compared with conventional surgery.
Surgical Treatments:
For individuals with more advanced hemorrhoid disease, surgery for hemorrhoids (hemorrhoidectomy) is the most successful way to treat large internal hemorrhoids. It is the only choice for external hemorrhoids that are causing symptoms and haven't improved with home treatment, i.e. increasing dietary fiber, exercise, Sitz baths (warm water bath for the buttocks and hips, over-the-counter creams and ointments).
Our colon and rectal surgeons will help you find the best therapies to treat anal fissures and anal fistulae.
- An anal fissure is a small rips or tears in the lining of the anal canal. Fissures are common, but are often confused with other anal conditions, such as hemorrhoids. Although most anal fissures do not require surgery, chronic fissures are harder to treat, and surgery may be the best option.
- An anal fistula is an infected tunnel under the skin that connects the anal canal in the colon to the skin of the buttocks. Surgery is usually needed to treat an anal fistula.
Get Care
A Primary Care Doctor can provide information about the type of hemorrhoids you have and which treatment option is best for you. If you already have a Primary Care Provider, schedule a consult with a Colorectal specialist*.
*Check with your insurance company to see if you need a referral before scheduling with a specialist.
What to expect in your doctor visit:
- Review personal health history
- Discuss symptoms and frequency
- Physical assessment
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