Quality Improvement
Quality improvement activities result in more efficient processes, improved patient care and experience, and, often, reduced costs. Residents take part in several quality improvement projects throughout their training. During their first year, residents receive didactics regarding quality improvement, the process of root cause analysis to determine why improvement is needed, and how to plan for sustainable quality improvement projects. During the first year, residents participate in one of two Plan Do Study Acts (PDSA) projects pertaining to their clinic, part of their training, or larger health system initiatives. For example, in 2018 residents are conducting rapid cycle (PDSA) projects to improve patient flow in the mobile health van and to develop a portion of chronic pain guidelines for the Residency. During their second and third year, residents choose their own longitudinal quality projects. John Muir Health’s Director of Quality Improvement partners with key clinical faculty to provide support and mentorship for the residents, meeting with them every one to two months to teach and help them design and implement their projects.

Figure 2 Director of Quality & Safety, S. Merrill discussing Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy (SORT) for researching clinical review articles with the Class of 2020.