Patient Information

What to Expect

A neuropsychological evaluation is a way of checking for symptoms such as memory loss, or difficulties with speaking, reasoning, or paying attention.  You may not have any of these problems; sometimes they are only suspected.  The examination consists primarily of answering questions, completing paper-and-pencil tasks, and solving various kinds of problems.  This evaluation is structured to help us determine if you are having difficulties that may be important for your health care providers to consider in your diagnosis and treatment.  The interview and evaluation will take approximately 3 hours.  You may be asked to return on another day for further evaluation if we feel it is warranted. 

On the Day of Your Appointment
  • Be well-rested
  • Eat a complete meal before coming in
  • Take any medications as you normally would that day
Items to Bring to the Appointment
  • Intake Form that was mailed to you
  • A list of current medications
  • Any glasses, dentures, or hearing aids that you use


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